By asking empowering questions, everything can change, and drastically.
Your life and business will jump to a completely new level. For me, I had more joy and energy than ever before because I felt confident and inspired around the fact that I could make anything happen.
The questions you ask yourself every day are powerful. As Tony Robbins put it, “Successful people ask better questions.” Better questions allow you to direct your focus in an empowering way.
“Successful people ask better questions.”–Tony Robbins
By asking empowering questions, everything can change, and drastically. Your life and business will jump to a completely new level. For me, I had more joy and energy than ever before because I felt confident and inspired around the fact that I could make anything happen.
Remember, questions direct your attention. And If you’re asking things like “What if it doesn’t work,” you’re actually focusing on what you don’t want. In turn, your mind drums up more reasons why it won’t work. Take a moment to think about how that feels. I know for me it creates anxiety and paralysis… my actions stall and so then does my momentum and results. And that’s definitely not what you want.
Instead, it’s important to ask empowering questions like, “What can I do to make that happen?” Or, “What skills do I need to learn to be able to do this?” Do you see and feel the difference? Empowering questions give you a road map and action steps that get you into motion. And when you’re in motion towards your dreams you feel confident, which spurs even more momentum and progress. Do you see how this positive cycle works?
Today I’m sharing with you my top 3 strategies for asking better questions. So you can rise to the next level quickly while feeling fully charged every day.
1. Become Aware When You’re Asking Disempowering Questions
Awareness is the first step to change. By becoming aware of what disempowering questions you’re asking you’ll then be able to redirect your mind with a better option.
Get really good at spotting the limiting questions you’re repeating to yourself, because if you’ve been working towards a goal for a while, and haven’t achieved it, most likely it’s because you’re not asking the right questions.
2. Trade Disempowering Questions For Better Ones
Next, shift your disempowering questions to empowering ones. Remember successful people ask better questions.
For example, change “What if this doesn’t happen?” to “How can I make this happen?” Do you see the difference? One takes your power away while the other one empowers you.
That little shift will be a game-changer for you. Because when you feel empowered you do great things.
3. Figure Out Your Limiting Beliefs
If you’re asking a disempowering question it’s most likely because of a limiting belief. For example, If you’re asking “But what if it doesn’t work?” It’s probably because you don’t think you’re capable, or worthy, or good enough to pull it off.
And you’re probably not as confident as you should be. Once you discover what the limiting belief is you can then flip the switch on it by asking yourself “what would I have to believe about myself to accomplish this?”
Start affirming those new beliefs to yourself daily and watch out how fast you achieve your goals.
Think about how inspiring it’s going to feel when you’re able to achieve your goals faster. This is such an easy way to 10X your power and motivation. Try it out for yourself this week to get massive momentum towards your goals and dreams.